An uplifting moment in a hectic world


Look beyond your troubles and into the Face of God. Sometimes, it isn't so easy. Know that you are not alone. This book of poems and devotional meditations explores a deeper connection with the Author of your soul. Walk with me today in my garden of poems.
Let’s wander around a bit, spending time together loving God—celebrating the sheer beauty of His name.

A sweet sacred moment to turn your thoughts away from that which drags you down to the One who lifts you up and holds you in His mighty and compassionate hand.

When you sign up, you will not only receive this book but also an uplifting message and poem twice a month to your inbox.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed, get bogged down in the burdens of the day. Take a moment to breathe deep and bask in God’s Forever Love. Only a moment to encourage you in your daily walk.

You think you don’t have any time to spend with God? Know that God is with you whether you are looking or not. You deserve a sweet sacred moment to explore beyond your burdens and seek His face. Breathe a prayer—the song in your heart.

This book of poems is my own song—a love letter to God. A moment of looking toward God for the strength to meet daily challenges with renewed hope.

Shape your worries into prayer—into song...

Download this book of devotional poems for an uplififting & encouraging moment in your busy day!

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