Hope is a verb - awakening the inner smile

Greetings and rich blessings Reader, may God’s Love shine through you and into the world today.

We’ve been working on our garden of joy for the last few weeks. Our place of refuge, beauty and peace. We’ve worked on clearing a space for stillness, working the soil, pulling the weeds of despair and negativity, and choosing and planting the seeds of the fruit of the Spirit. Now it’s time to look for nourishment.

Hope is a Verb

So plant the seeds of doing what is right. Then you will harvest the fruit of your faithful love. It is time to seek the Lord. When you do, he will come and shower his blessings on you. Hosea 10:12 NCV

We toil and pray and work, but our garden doesn’t grow by our efforts alone. In all things, we work in partnership with the Great Gardener. In rain, in sunshine, even in the storms. Like manna from heaven, we need to connect with God every day.

We plant the seeds, but who stirs them to life?

We work the ground, but who sets the sun and rain and seasons in motion?

We get discouraged sometimes and the weeds grow around us, but who watches over us, never sleeping?

In our impatience, we may feel as if our efforts are in vain, but who’s coaxing the beauty out from the seed in His perfect timing?

In his beautiful poem, Rabindranath Tagore writes,

On many an idle day have I grieved over lost time. But it is never lost, my lord. Thou hast taken every moment of my life in thine own hands.
Hidden in the heart of things thou art nourishing seeds into sprouts, buds into blossoms, and ripening flowers into fruitfulness.
I was tired and sleeping on my idle bed and imagined all work had ceased. In the morning I woke up and found my garden full with wonders of flowers.

Hope never dies, even when all seems in vain. Hope nourishes our patience. Hope in all things.

Hope is a verb.

Active, not passive. Poised like a heron, still in the water and waiting for opportunity to swim by so she can seize it. Still like a seed planted waiting for the stirring. Reaching out roots to anchor and arms to carry the abundance of sun and rain flowing from the heavens.

Does our lifesong reflect this hope?


Stretch your wings
those wings once bound in fear
reach long, stretch and shimmy
those wings in dawn’s saffron rays
one wing then the other
don’t worry if the stretching aches
Grace and tenacity will bolster your endurance.
Sow seeds of trust
those seeds sown with your tears
roots reach deep and arms reach for the stars
those seeds sown in fields of patience
one tiny mustard seed then the next
don’t worry if the waiting aches
Grace and tenacity will deepen your wisdom.
Sing your songs of Love
those songs breathed into your heart
sing loud and long or sweet and soft
those songs in indigo nights before dawn’s smile
one tender note then the next
don’t worry if your voice trembles
Grace and tenacity will embolden your courage.
wings to soar
seeds to sow
songs to breathe into the world
Forever Love seals the wounds
broken becoming beautiful again

If you enjoyed this poem and wish to share it (and much, much more!) with a friend, follow #aimeeselah_poetrygarden, or the Sweet Sacred Moment page on FB and Pinterest.

Breath Practice

Awakening the inner smile –

The breath is Spirit—Love breathed into us at the beginning of time. The inner smile is the undercurrent of joy undisturbed by our roiling emotions. Even when we don’t feel like calling the smile to our face, it is still present.

Noticing is the practice. You don’t always have to grab onto the smile. Just know that it’s available to you, an invitation to lean on and trust in God’s strength. Practice noticing, observing. You’ll also notice the other emotions swirling around. Again, observe. See how each emotion affects your body. Be curious. Don’t judge. Just notice. It’s your choice what you latch onto.

It’s up to you to flavor your day—cinnamon or vinegar, honey or chili pepper. The choice is yours. Practice observing instead of reacting—take a breath and notice your options.

How? Let’s start with a focal point. In a quiet moment, invite Jesus (or God or the Spirit, whichever resonates with you) into your inner core. Where is this in your body? Your heart? The space behind your heart? Behind your sternum? Deep in your gut? Wherever you chose (and if it changes in time, that’s fine too), focus on that point. Place your hands over the space if you feel comfortable.

Now breathe into that space. As simple as that. Observe your breath as it flows in and flows out. For as long as you can, notice your breath. Pause at the top of the inhalation (a heartbeat or two) and at the bottom of the exhalation.

Simple, yes, but not easy. Use whichever tool helps you keep your mind from jumping to the to-do list or listening to the nagging worries: use your Bible verse mantra, visualize Jesus standing with you, hum His name. Choose whatever resonates with you in this moment. If your mind jumps around, don’t get frustrated. You’re human. It happens. Some days run more smoothly than others.

Practice. Smile at the victories, be compassionate with the challenges. Practice. With Grace and tenacity, one day, you’ll wake up and find your inner smile blooming, full of the wonder of Forever Love.

Observation and space. Hope in action. Stepping back from a grueling challenge or circumstance to observe and put space between your heart and your fear/anger/hurt.

Space to take a breath and remember the promise, “Surely, I am with you always,” and that is something to smile about.

We plant and work in our garden to be rooted and always reaching for Forever Love to rain blessings. Noel Robinson’s song “Rain,” has been dancing in my head while I write you these words:

Rain, rain on me
Open the windows of heaven
Open up the heaven poring out a blessing
Lord we need refreshing 'till it overflows

May heaven open its windows on your garden of Joy so that your harvest will overflow with Forever Love.

Bloom to share

Today’s bloom comes from my terrace. This beauty blooms only once a year and lasts only a few days. Today, this image came to me after a long grueling day. You know those days—anything bad that can happen… Yet at the end of the day, I find this glowing beauty blooming for my enjoyment. God knows what makes me smile. To me, this is His way of saying, “With you always…”

I will refresh Israel like the dew from heaven; she will blossom as the lily and root deeply in the soil like cedars in Lebanon. Her branches will spread out as beautiful as olive trees, fragrant as the forests of Lebanon. Hosea 14:5-6 TLB

The Message (Hosea 14:4-8) translation is also beautiful. Check it out!

Send me your favorite autumn pictures to share next time!

Aimee Selah

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